Impact Video PY23-24

Program Description

The Winnebago County Office of the State’s Attorney provides the 17th Judicial Circuit Courts with a dedicated and specially trained Assistant State’s Attorney to help individuals with substance-abuse disorders, behavioral and mental health issues proceed through the criminal justice system. The Office of the State’s Attorney has the authority to decide how to proceed in criminal cases. When appropriate, the ASA can dismiss criminal charges during the first court appearance and then serve as a conduit to ensure that the individual receives the court-appointed behavioral health and supportive services necessary to lead to positive outcomes. In addition, the Mental Health ASA handles Firearms Restraining Orders and civil commitments as needed or appropriate, with the ultimate goal of increasing positive outcomes for individuals and reducing recidivism.

Program Entrance

Internal Screening, Referral from Law Enforcement/Counsel.

Media/Marketing Contact

Contact Information
Name Katie Zimmerman

Corporate Compliance/Complaint

Contact Information
Name Brooke Mays

Corporate Compliance/Complaint

Contact Information
Name Marlana Dokken

Winnebago County State's Attorney

17th Judicial Circuit Court