Impact Video PY23-24 | JDC @ 4:58

Program Description

With the support of the Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board's funding, the Winnebago County Juvenile Detention Center aims to reduce youth/adolescent isolation and improve overall mental health my addressing the behavioral health needs of detained youth through assessment, crisis intervention, therapeutic intervention, and coordination of services. This program aims to serve 220 youth.

Small groups are facilitated using one or more of the following; cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and/or trauma informed care. Groups are held several times during the week to ensure that all youth have the opportunity to attend, participate and learn. Individual sessions are completed with youth for improved mental health functioning or for youth in crisis.

Program Entrance

Referral through Winnebago County Probation.

Media/Marketing Contact

Name Debbie Jarvis

Corporate Compliance/Complaint

Name Marlana Dokken

Winnebago County Government

17th Judicial Circuit Court