Impact Video PY23-24

Program Description

Family Counseling Services (FCS) is utilizing the WCCMHB grant for additional resources to provide more mental health counseling for more people. This includes therapists, office space, materials and supplies used in therapy, and ongoing training and professional development of staff. Services include art and play therapy, various types of experiential therapy, some crisis counseling services for children and adults, group therapy, and education on mental health topics for the public. In addition, WCCMHB funding is used to develop and support the FCS internship program to help train future mental health therapists for FCS and Winnebago County residents.

Program Entrance

Call to schedule an intake appointment. Referral through IRIS or from other organizations/partners.

Name April Poggioli
Phone (815) 962-5585

Media/Marketing Contact

Name Mars Rindaldi

Corporate Compliance/Complaint

Name Lynn Momberger