Project Overview

The Rockford Region Complete Street Design Standards provides a framework to guide local municipalities, counties, partner agencies, and private organizations in designing, constructing, and maintaining Complete Streets. The Design Standards describe and illustrate the parameters related to planning, design, construction, and maintenance and guidance for future investments along the region’s roadways.

The Rockford Region has an extensive street network and as such, many of the recommendations in this guide are meant to be implemented over time. The intent of these Design Standards is to provide guidance for any project within the public right of way in order to actively create complete streets within the region through retrofits of entire roadway corridor or incrementally on portions of a roadway.

The Rockford Region Complete Street Design Standards were adopted on May 31, 2024. The final document can be viewed on both this page, in the document library, and at

Examples of Complete Street Designs

What do the guidelines cover?

  • Street Typology

    This chapter of the Complete Street Design Standards details different street typologies. These typologies classify roadways based on its functional classification, land-use context, and the modal hierarchy. The street typology is based on the various characteristics which are used to establish design priorities and parameters for each roadway.

  • Pedestrian Realm

    The Pedestrian Realm focuses on elements located between the curb and property lines. This chapter includes information regarding the sidewalk zones and their functions, elements of a lively pedestrian environment, functional transit stops, and green street infrastructure.

  • Roadway

    This chapter focuses on the street zone from curb-to-curb and provides various cross-section layouts and design elements within this zone. Information and design considerations are provided regarding bus lanes, freight routes, bike infrastructure, speed management, and curbside uses.

  • Intersections

    This section covers the elements and considerations regarding complete streets elements that can be incorporated into intersections and areas of high conflict points. This chapter discusses the importance of balancing the needs for all modes at high conflict areas. This includes placemaking elements and the geometry of an intersection, as well as treatments for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users.

  • Shared Use Paths & Access Ways

    This section provides information on the general design guidance and additional elements for off-street facilities and adjacent bikeways to the right-of-way, including shared use paths, side-path crossings and signage along these routes.

  • Implementation

    This chapter focuses on the importance of coordination amongst agencies as well as their roles and responsibilities. It also highlights connections to existing policies and guides, project development process for implementing complete streets, and maintenance responsibilities.