Project Overview

Region 1 Planning Council (R1) in collaboration with the City of Rockford, is developing a traffic safety action plan to address identified transportation safety concerns in the City of Rockford. The Plan's strategies for addressing safety concerns are aligned with five objectives of the Safe System Approach:

  • Safer People
  • Safer Roads
  • Safer Speeds
  • Safer Vehicles
  • Post-Crash Care

The Safe System Approach is the guiding paradigm for addressing roadway safety concerns, per the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT).

The purpose of this safety action plan is to:

  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the state of traffic safety on the region’s roadways;
  2. Identify local and regional trends through extensive data analysis;
  3. Establish a vision, goals, and strategies to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries;
  4. Create a framework for activities that can be implemented to improve traffic safety.

This project is funded through the USDOTs Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. The purpose of the SS4A program is to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries.

The blue line shows the number of crashes that resulted in severe outcomes, while the red line shows the total number of individuals who suffered a severe outcome from a crash.

The Safe System Approach is composed of six principles (shown on the outside of the circle) and five objectives (shown on the inside of the circle).

Safety Map
