Project Overview

The City of Oregon Sustainability Plan will serve as the blueprint for advancing collaborative and informed sustainability practices within the city. Led by the leadership of the City's Sustainability Committee, this will be Oregon's first plan targeted at improving city-wide sustainability efforts. The Sustainability Plan will address sustainability within five identified themes: city operations, community-wide efforts, policy, development & land use, and education.

Image of the Rock River in Oregon, IL

Sustainability 101

Defining Sustainability

In this plan, sustainability refers to the ability to create and maintain the necessary conditions to thrive for current and future generations without depleting natural resources. The City of Oregon believes that to have a prosperous community, sustainability must also include social equity and economic development.

What is a Sustainability Plan?

A sustainability plan is a comprehensive roadmap that outlines the goals and actions that a city will implement to promote citywide sustainability and improve environmental protection efforts. Sustainability planning revolves around city-led action, while educating and encouraging residents and business owners to participate in sustainability initiatives to improve community well-being and environmental prosperity.

Image of the cover of the Oregon Sustainability Plan

Oregon Sustainability

Oregon's History of Sustainable Actions

In order to promote community and environmental well-being in the City of Oregon, it is important to clearly understand the city’s relationship with nature and sustainability progress achieved so far.

Connection to Nature

The City of Oregon is located in a naturally scenic and historically rich region within the Rock River Valley. Hosting a diverse array of natural features, including the Rock River, state parks, greenways, and other natural areas, the City prides itself on its connection to nature.

Aerial image of the Rock River in Oregon

Sustainability Timeline

Oregon has begun transitioning to a more eco-friendly community through sustainability practices and preservation of the City’s natural resources. The timeline below illustrates Oregon’s sustainability achievements throughout the past decade.

Graphically-designed timeline of sustainability events over the past 10+ years in Oregon. This includes citywide recycling, establishment of the sustainability committee, etc.


Plan Implementation

This Sustainability Plan outlines goals and recommendations designed to work toward city-wide sustainability for social and environmental well-being. The plan is organized around a unifying framework categorized by the five focus areas.

Sustainability Goals

This Sustainability Plan identifies recommendations within five focus areas to prioritize sustainability in the City of Oregon. They include city operations, community-wide efforts, policy, development & land-use, and education.
  • Education

    Education refers to engagement and educational opportunities to increase sustainability knowledge, awareness, and interest in the community.


    1. Engage the community in waste reduction and recycling.
    2. Offer education on sustainability topics to help residents incorporate sustainability into their daily lives.
    3. Increase communication and marketing to engage more residents in environmental efforts.
    4. Cultivate a partnership with local schools to increase environmental education and involvement
  • City Operations

    City operations include all municipal-owned and operated buildings, transportation systems, and land.


    1. Transition City facilities to net zero energy.
    2. Support sustainable material management.
    3. Support electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure and operate a safe, clean, and efficient fleet.
    4. Integrate sustainability into all municipal operations.
  • Community-Wide Efforts

    Community-wide efforts target community resilience, community access to sustainability resources, and community-led efforts toward sustainability.


    1. Increase access to sustainably grown local food.
    2. Cultivate community values based on principles of sustainability.
    3. Develop a recognition program to encourage sustainable actions by local businesses.
    4. Promote residential sustainable best practices, including water and energy conservation and waste management.
  • Development & Land Use

    Development and land use refer to all aspects of the built and natural environments, including working lands such as agriculture.


    1. Incentivize EnergyStar and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles and green practices for new commercial buildings and retrofits.
    2. Protect, preserve, and increase green space.
    3. Promote energy-efficient building practices.
    4. Increase and support well-connected, walkable, and mixed-use development.
  • Policy

    Policy includes any zoning codes, ordinances, or policies related to sustainability within the City.


    1. Update building and zoning codes to encourage best practices for sustainable development.
    2. Facilitate the adoption of renewable energy technologies (e.g., solar, geothermal) by adapting building and zoning codes.
    3. Achieve greater livability through sustainable land use and housing policies.

Community Resources

Community Resources

Listed below are various sustainability resources that provide assistance and education to interested parties, including residents, businesses, and the agriculture community. The resources include rebates, assistance programs, community information, and environmental education tools