Project Overview
High-speed internet is essential to daily life. Health visits, job searches, banking, education, entertainment - they all rely on a reliable connection. Unfortunately, reliable, fast, affordable, and accessible internet is not available to all homes in Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, and Ogle counties. We're working to change that.
R1 is putting together a service map and plan that will expand coverage and programs for a more equitable digital landscape in Northern Illinois. But first, we need to hear from residents to find out:
- Where service gaps are
- Which providers serve the region and where
- If speed meets minimum federal standards
- What activities you use the internet for
- Your satisfaction
Even if you don't have internet service, we want to hear from you, too!

R1 will use the information gained from this survey and other organizations - libraries, housing agencies, schools, farm bureaus - to put together a map showing the current infrastructure, as well as an action plan highlighting coverage and programmatic gaps, and recommendations on how to bridge the digital divide. The map and plan will be available here when complete.